Keeping Your Humidity Sensor in Check: Calibration Tips and Tricks

how to calibrate humidity sensor with salt

Calibration is a process of checking and adjusting the accuracy of measurement tools or instruments. Most often, calibration is performed to ensure that an instrument provides accurate readings. In this blog, we’re talking about humidity sensors, the devices that measure humidity and keep it at a specific level.

The idea behind calibrating a humidity sensor is to check its accuracy and performance over time. Calibration ensures that your device works at its best and gives you accurate readings. Besides, it also helps in improving the device’s performance over time by fine-tuning the settings.

Understand the Need for Calibration

how to calibrate humidity sensor with salt
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Sensors come pre-calibrated, but for better accuracy, calibration may be needed. Calibration is the process of adjusting a sensor’s output to match the desired value. It is essential to get accurate humidity measurements from a humidity sensor. Four types of popular sensors were tested: DHT-22, HIH5030, HIH6030, and HIH8121.

A repeatability variation of 5% or more could lead to an incorrect reading even after repeated readings. To prevent this error, it’s necessary to undergo calibration and use the correct value in your application. This will ensure accurate water levels are maintained and prevent equipment damage due to over- or under-watering.

To correctly carry out the calibration process, you need a suitable program written in C that can be adapted to your specific application. The programs should be designed with precision and accuracy in mind to avoid systematic errors in humidity measurements.

Preparation and Parts List

When using a humidity sensor, it’s important to take note of the four types of sensors available and their respective characteristics.

– Honeywell HygroBlock is a popular choice among consumers as it combines accuracy and cost-efficiency. It has high precision, and accurate readings every single time, and can be used for both indoor and outdoor applications.

– The RTI 5026 is another popular choice among consumers due to its accuracy and durability in harsh environments. It has advanced sensing technology that provides accurate measurements regardless of temperature or humidity.

– The TSI INTELLIGENT HYD block is a good option if you want to track indoor air quality with minimal fuss. It features advanced technology that enables it to sense temperature and humidity levels in real-time.

Aside from choosing between these four types of humidity sensors, users should also consider the type of application they have for them. For example, if you’re looking for an easy-to-use device, go with one with manual settings so that you can easily adjust the settings as per your requirements. If you want accuracy at all times, go for one with automatic settings. Besides this, you should also consider the size of the device as well as its price range.

Step-by-Step Guide to Calibrating Your Sensor

If you own a hygrometer, you must have come across the calibration process. The process involves calibrating your sensor to improve the accuracy of humidity readings. Calibrating the humidity sensor can be a tedious task and requires precision. However, it is essential for accurate readings.

For accurate readings, you must have a calibrated sensor. Most sensors are pre-calibrated, but for more accuracy, calibrate within a few percentage points as per requirements. The Boveda One-Step Hygrometer Calibration Kit is an excellent option if you want to do the job yourself. It comes with a humidistat and a hygrometer along with detailed instructions to help you calibrate your humidity sensor easily and accurately.

Another vital step in the calibration process is to ensure that the environment is as close to the desired setting as possible for ideal accuracy. This is where the ‘salt test’ comes into play. All you need to do is add some salt to your hygrometer’s pan and leave it there for 24 hours. After this period, check whether your readings are correct or not by comparing them with those of a calibrated hygrometer.

Test the Accuracy of Your Sensor

– Calibration is recommended for accuracy better than 2 degrees or 5% relative humidity. This is to ensure that your humidity sensor’s measurements are accurate and reliable.

– Test the accuracy of your humidity sensor using a general calibration method. This involves reading somewhere between 80 and 90% humidity with a towel. If the readings on the sensor are consistent, it indicates that the sensor is functioning properly. However, if it reads consistently high or low, it may be due to the calibration error of the sensor. Apply a general calibration method to check the accuracy of your humidity sensor and ensure its consistent reading.

Tips and Tricks for Maintaining Accuracy

Factory-calibrated sensors do not need re-calibration for most usages, but for accuracy better than 2 degrees or 5% relative humidity, calibration is recommended.

The ideal conditions for sensor calibration are similar to those used for standard hygrometer calibration: a stable and constant temperature, low to moderate humidity, and no wind. Calibrating your device in these conditions will yield the most accurate readings possible.

To perform a successful calibration session, follow these steps:

– Take a few measurements during periods of high humidity to ensure that the device is reading accurately. If it isn’t, this could be an indication of a hardware defect or of excessive self-heating. Report the issue to the manufacturer’s support email as soon as possible – this will help track down and solve any issues quickly.

– Ensure that the environmental conditions are steady and consistent throughout the calibration process, as small changes can lead to inaccurate readings. This includes both the ambient temperature and relative humidity levels – if either changes drastically during the session, adjustments must be made to compensate for the difference.

– After taking a few readings, adjust the hygrometer’s dial until it reads 2 degrees or 5% relative humidity without making any large adjustments. This indicates whether there are any defects in your calibration or if you’ve hit your target specifications after all.

Taking notes during the session will help you keep track of any issues and make note of areas that may require additional attention when performing future calibrations.


It is very essential to follow the above-mentioned tips and tricks to keep your humidity sensor calibrated and accurate. If you do so, you can easily maintain accuracy and avoid calibration issues. Besides, following these steps will help ensure that you get better performance from your sensor. Comment below if we have missed anything else that works for you! And be sure to share this article with others who face humidity sensor calibration issues.