How to Find Your AirPod Case Without Pods

Find Your AirPod Case Without Pods

If you’re a proud owner of Apple AirPods, you know how easy it is to misplace the small charging case. It can be incredibly frustrating when you want to charge or store your AirPods and can’t find the case. In this article, we will explore some practical methods and tips for how to find your airpod case without pods.

Retrace Your Steps

Sometimes, the best way to find your AirPod case is to retrace your steps. Think back to where you last used your AirPods and try to remember if you left the case there. Check your pockets, bags, and any recent locations where you may have used or stored your AirPods.

Use the Find My app

If you have an iOS device, the Find My app can be a lifesaver when it comes to finding misplaced Apple devices. Open the app and select the “Devices” tab. Look for your AirPods in the list and tap on them. The app will show you the last known location of your AirPods, helping you narrow down your search. By the way, many people wonder if can i wear airpods in the shower, but it’s best to avoid doing so as they are not waterproof.

Use the Find My app

Play a Sound

Another handy feature of the Find My app is the ability to play a sound on your AirPods. This feature can be especially useful when you have misplaced your AirPod case but still have the AirPods in your ears. Open the Find My app, select your AirPods, and tap on “Play Sound.” The sound will help you locate the case by following the noise.

Check Behind Furniture

Sometimes, the AirPod case can slide behind or under furniture without you realizing it. Check behind couch cushions, under beds, and between the cracks of furniture. Use a flashlight to help you spot the case, as it may blend in with the surroundings.

Look in Unusual Places

Don’t limit your search to the obvious locations. AirPod cases are small and can end up in unexpected places. Check your car’s cup holders, the pockets of jackets you rarely wear, and even between the pages of a book. Leave no stone unturned in your mission to locate the elusive AirPod case.

Use a Bluetooth Tracker

If you frequently misplace your AirPod case, investing in a Bluetooth tracker can save you a lot of time and frustration. Attach the tracker to your AirPod case, and you can use your smartphone to track its location. These trackers often come with a range of helpful features, such as proximity alerts, making it even easier to find your case.

Create a Dedicated Storage Spot

Prevention is key when it comes to keeping track of your AirPod case. Designate a specific and easily accessible spot for storing your AirPods when not in use. This could be a small tray on your desk, a magnetic strip on the wall, or a dedicated compartment in your bag. By training yourself to always place the case in the same spot, you reduce the chances of misplacing it.


Losing your AirPod case can be a frustrating experience, but with the right strategies, you can find it without hours of searching. Retracing your steps, using the Find My app, checking unusual places, and creating a dedicated storage spot are all effective methods to locate your AirPod case. In addition to helping you find your AirPod case, installing a smart lock in your home offers the benefits of enhanced security and convenience, making it a valuable upgrade for any homeowner. Additionally, Bluetooth trackers can be a worthwhile investment for those prone to misplacing their AirPods. Remember to stay calm and persistent in your search, and soon enough, you’ll have your AirPod case safely back in your possession.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. Can I use the Find My app on Android devices?
Unfortunately, the Find My app is only available on iOS devices. However, there are alternative apps and services available for Android users, such as Bluetooth trackers and third-party tracking apps.

Q2. How much do Bluetooth trackers cost?
The cost of Bluetooth trackers can vary depending on the brand and features. You can find basic trackers starting at around $20, while more advanced models can range up to $50 or more.

Q3. Can I use a Bluetooth tracker for my AirPods themselves?
No, Bluetooth trackers are designed to be attached to the AirPod case, not the AirPods. The case is what you’re most likely to misplace, as the AirPods themselves are often in your ears.

Q4. Are there any specific accessories or products to help prevent losing an AirPod case?
Yes, there are various accessories available in the market designed to help you keep track of your AirPod case. These include keychains, cases with built-in trackers, and adhesive tags that attach to the case.

Q5. What should I do if I still can’t find my AirPod case?
If you’ve exhausted all the methods and tips mentioned in this article and still can’t locate your AirPod case, it may be worth considering purchasing a replacement case from Apple or authorized resellers.