How to Create Your Hanging Advent Calendar

How to Create Your Hanging Advent Calendar

Advent calendars are a great way to count down the days until Christmas. They’re fun for kids, but they can be enjoyed by adults too. You can create an Advent calendar in many different ways, from simple paper printables to elaborate 3D scenes. Today we will show you how to make your own hanging advent calendar!

Decide how many days you want

Decide how many days you want to create your Advent calendar. This will depend on the size of your box. If you want to include a gift for each day, you may need more than one box.

How to Create Your Hanging Advent Calendar

Gather the supplies you’ll need

You’ll need the following supplies:

  • Foam board. You can find this at any craft store, but you might want to consider buying a few extra sheets as you work on your calendar. You’ll be cutting out lots of pieces and it’s possible that at least one will get damaged in the process. It’s also good to have extra because you may decide later that you want a different shape or color than what came with your kit!
  • Ribbon (or string). The width should be similar to the width of your foam board so they match up nicely when folded together later on. I used 1/2 inch ribbon because it looked nice with my whiteboard and I didn’t want anything too thick in case someone was tempted by an early peek behind one side or another but feel free use whatever works best for personal preference!

Make a template for each box

Now that you have your supplies, it’s time to make a template for each box. Using your ruler and pencil, carefully mark out the lines on which each box will hang. Be sure to leave enough space between the boxes so that they don’t overlap or touch when they’re hanging side by side.

Once all of your templates are cut out, it’s time to move onto the next step!

Cut out the boxes from foam board

Now that you have your calendar template printed, it’s time to cut out the boxes. The easiest way is by using a box cutter and cutting along each line. You’ll want to make sure that every box is exactly the same size so they will fit together nicely when hung up on the wall.

They key here is being patient and taking your time, especially if this is your first time crafting with foam board!

Paint the foam board boxes in your desired color scheme or patterns

Once you have your boxes cut and painted, it’s time to decorate them. The easiest way to do this is with foam board paint pens. These pens come in a variety of colors and can be used on both sides of the board (so you don’t need multiple pens).

To apply these pens, simply press down firmly on the tip until you see color appear on your piece. If you want more coverage or deeper color, keep pressing until it looks how you’d like it too! You can also use regular acrylic paint brushes or spray paint if desired. However, this method does require more drying time before hanging up your calendar pieces because acrylics tend not dry as quickly as spray paints do.

Punch holes in the tops of your boxes

The trickiest part about punching holes is making sure that they’re in a straight line and big enough to fit through the ribbon without being too big that they look sloppy or uneven. To make sure this happens, I recommend measuring out how far apart each box should be from one another before starting. Once you know how much space between each box should be, measure out how far apart each hole needs to go (measurements will vary based on whether or not you want bigger or smaller gaps). Once done measuring and marking where each hole needs to go (I recommend using something like masking tape), place your first piece overtop so that when punched out it lands right next door without overlapping onto another piece!

Thread ribbon through the holes to hang up your calendar

It’s time to thread your ribbon through each hole in your cardboard calendar.

  • Choose a ribbon that matches or compliments your color scheme, and make sure it’s strong enough to support the weight of all those boxes!
  • Tie a knot in one end of the ribbon so it won’t slip through any of your holes as you hang up your calendar.
  • Make sure there is enough length on both sides of each box so that when hung from above (or wherever else), they will be level with each other at all times during Advent season!


What are you waiting for? Get started on your hanging advent calendar today! As we mentioned, there are many ways to make this project, so use whatever materials and colors you prefer. You can even add decorations like stickers or glitter if you want something extra special. We hope this guide has given you an idea of how easy it is to create your own calendar and that now all those kids will have something fun waiting for them every morning when they wake up!